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5G Smart Factory
5G based Machine Learning and Edge Computing Technologies for Smart Factory

Keywords: Edge Computing, Distributed Machine Learning , Private 5G, Smart Factory, Computer Vision

Dynamic Spectrum Sharing
Flexible Radio PLUS (Practically Limitless User Spectrum)

Keywords: K-tier spectrum sharing, Beyond 5G application focused spectral efficient MAC, Interference aware spectrum opportunity map, Opporunity aware flexible duplex, Real-time communication platform
Ongoing Project
Development of 5G MEC framework to improve food factory productivity, automate and optimize flexible packaging, funded by Ministry of Science, ICT, 2021-2025
Completed Project
Verification of 5G-KOREN based edge computing for Smart Factory, funded by National Information Society Agency , 2020.
Tests and Experiments on a 5G-AI-KOREN intergated Smart Factory, funded by National Information Society Agency , 2021.
Spectrum Sensing and Future Radio Communication Platforms, funded by Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, 2015-2018.
Scalable Spectrum Sharing for Beyond 5G Communication, funded by Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, 2018-2022.
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